What our clients are saying

Here are some of our reviews! More testimonials can be found on our google business listing

“Shanel spent time getting to know our family and our unique situation of co-sleeping 7 year old twins. She developed a plan and gave me and my boys the confidence that we could do it. Now my boys get 10+ hours of uninterrupted sleep, my husband has moved back into our bedroom, and we are both getting a great full night's sleep. My only regret is that we didn't get help YEARS ago!”

-The Bohm Family

“Shanel helped us transition our infant from co-sleeping to independent sleep in the crib, and then again assisted when we transitioned from two naps to one. She made these stressful adjustments easy, and for that we are so grateful!”

-The Vezina Family

““Talking with Shanel and going through her sleep training program was the best thing that we did. She made it so easy and she was very helpful throughout the whole process. My baby is now sleeping 12hrs with only one wake feed in the middle of the night. My baby is happy and well rested!!!!”

-The Watson Family

“As first-time parents, my husband and I had no idea how to develop a routine or sleep schedule with our 4 month old. This led to many sleepless nights, along with mentally and physically draining days. Shanel answered every question and concern I had, she was extremely knowledgeable and was able to provide a detailed step-by-step sleep plan for our son. Since working with Shanel, I can honestly say that everyone in our household is now sleeping through the night, and we have never been happier (even our dog is sleeping better!)

-The Belhumeur Family

“Our evening routine used to involve us spending an hour or more each night, rocking our three and a half year old to sleep, only to have him crawl into our bed a few hours later, and wake (us and him) throughout the night. Within a couple weeks, our son has learned to fall asleep on his own within minutes, and stay in his bed all night long. We are astonished!”

-The Ballen Family

Shanel took the time to understand my goals around baby sleep and she completely supported my breastfeeding journey. Her customized plan made me feel supported and educated, and my baby responded so well! Working with Shanel has 100% improved my anxiety around baby sleep and this has led to more quality time with both my daughter and husband!

-The Dewar Family

Working with Shanel was the best parenting decision we have made yet! After months and months of very little sleep, we were barely functioning as human beings, never mind as parents to our toddler and infant. The support, guidance, and science-based instruction we got from Shanel was a total game changer. We were sleeping better almost immediately, and our house is a much happier place!

-The Tordiff Family

“Not to sound dramatic but Shanel literally gave me my life back. When I first started working with her I had a 4.5 month old baby who had never napped independently in his life, required nursing to fall asleep and was struggling with overnight sleep (waking immediately upon entering his crib and then waking every hour nightly for months) to having a baby who falls asleep independently and happily naps and sleeps overnight in his crib”

-The Fraser Family

“I had an 9 month old who always nursed to sleep and woke up every 2 hours to feed. I was very scared to sleep train and was doubting both my ability and my baby's ability to do it successfully but Shanel encouraged me every step of the way and gave me the confidence I needed to go for it (without being even a little bit pushy). My daughter is now 1 year old, sleeps through the night and I have all of the tools now to work through any sleep issues that happen along the way.

-The Reimer Family

“Before we met Shanel, we had a 24/7 contact sleeper, who also loved bouncing, feeding, and rocking to sleep, who also cried in the stroller & during car rides. Our baby now sleeps in her crib and sighs in happy relief when she goes down at bedtime! Shanel helped us to give our little baby the gift of sleep. It was amazing to see her crying/ “witching hours” go away once she had independent sleep skills”

-The Aminot Family